Wednesday 25 November 2015

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound -

Sound - 

Star Wars : The Force Awakens -
  • 0.08 Non-diegetic Sound - Music (Piano) : draws viewers attention into the video.
  • 0.18 Non-diegetic Sound - Voiceover : narrative introduces the characters to the audience.

  • 0.23 Non-diegetic Sound - Voiceover : an alternate narrator gives insight into another character.
  • 0.38 Non-diegetic Sound - Voiceover : A third narrator is introduced who is on screen but the voice is non-diegetic meaning that an audience can assume that it is the on screen characters thoughts.
  • 0.56 Diegetic Sound - Voiceover : A character appears to be talking to the audience however they are actually addressing another character as breaking the fourth wall is not often used in the Star Wars franchise.

  • 1.07 Non-diegetic Sound - Music : adds to the pace and tempo of the trailer which creates excitement for the audience.
  • 1.16 Diegetic Sound - Diegetic narration merges with the previous non-diegetic narration to show the audience the characters on screen in relation to the information that we have already learnt. 
  • 1.17 Non-diegetic Sound - The sound of hyper drive is used as a special effect for the on-screen Millennium Falcon.

  • 1.21 Non-diegetic Sound - Music and Voiceover : Trailer sound track and narration is used over a montage of scenes to evoke an emotional response in the audience but also to build up to the date of release.
Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of The Ring -

  • 0.28 Non-diegetic Sound - Music/ Singing: creates a fantasy atmosphere with the voices singing almost magically. 
  • 0.36 Non-diegetic Sound - Narration/ Voiceover: A female voice begins to introduce what the trailer, and ultimately the film, will show. The words are spoken both in english and in another language possibly elvish which adds to the fantasy nature of the film. 
  • 1.02 Non-diegetic Sound - Music: the music used is the opening music featured in the 'Lord Of The Rings' films which is placed over the footage of the emerging title. 

  • 1.08 Diegetic Sound - The sound of a roaring fire used to forge a ring as shown in the parallel footage. 

  • 1.10 Non-diegetic Sound - Narration/ Voiceover: a female voice is used to explain to the audience what is being shown in the trailer.

  • 1.52 Non-diegetic Sound - Music: very dramatic war drum music is played to create an atmosphere that evokes a sense of fear in the audience. 
  • 1.54 Diegetic Sound - The sound of a fire/ volcano erupting when referring to the fires of Mount Doom.

  • 1.57 Diegetic Sound - The sound of the fires of Sauron's domain. 

  • 2.00 Non-diegetic Sound - Music: The war drums beating in the background whilst the female voice continues to narrate the story of Sauron's ring.  

  • 2.19 Diegetic Sound - Screams: The people shown in the footage are screaming as they are being attacked by Sauron's army. 

  • 2.26 Non-diegteic Sound - Music: There is music used playing over the dramatic scenes of an elvish army marching to war against Sauron and his soldiers. 

  • 2.35 Diegetic Sound - The fires of Mount Doom rumbling which adds to the tense atmosphere of the battle scenes in the trailer. 
  • 2.37 Diegetic Sound - The noises of the orcs readying for battle. 

  • 2.39 Diegetic Sound - The sounds of the bows being fired on the battlefield. 

  • 2.44 Non-diegetic Sound - Music: The dramatic music over the scenes of the battlefield.
  • 2.50 Diegetic Sound - The commands from the elven Lord of Rivendell, Elrond, are shouted out loud on the battlefield. 

  • 2.58 Non-diegetic Sound - Music: The loud music is played over the footage of the battlefield to create atmosphere. 
  • 3.03 Diegetic Sound - The sounds of the fighting on the battlefield.
  • 3.06 Non-diegetic Sound - Narration/ voiceover: The female elven voice begins to speak again over the dramatic scenes of the battle. 
  • 3.34 Diegetic Sound - The screams of the men begin killed by Sauron on the battlefield. 

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