Tuesday 1 December 2015

Narrative Theory Continued -

Narrative Theory - 

Bordwell Definition of Narrative:
Story Time: the earliest event referred to in a film to the latest event.
Plot Time: the earliest event that the audience see in the film to the latest event.
Screen Time: the actual playing time of the film.

Bordwell and Thompsons' Classification of Narrative:
The story time creates a whole world that exists even when the characters are not on screen. Examples include Pulp Fiction, Lord Of The Rings, Eastenders.

Vladimir Propp's The Morphology if the Folk Tale (1928): 
Recognised that folk tales were similar.
They were concerned with the same basic situations and struggles.
They were populated by the same stock characters.
Characters roles helped provide structure to the narrative.

Levi Strauss:
"All stories depend on binary oppositions - a conflict between two sides/qualities which are opposites"
  • Cowboys & Indians
  • The Law & Outlaws
  • Good & Evil
Barthes Narrative Theory:

Semiology - study of signs

Open or Closed story
Open = Lots of ways to unravel
Closed = Only one way to unravel

1. Enigma Code
2. Action Code
3. Semantic Code
4. Symbolic Code
5. Referential / Cultural Code

Enigma Code -
The audience do not fully know what is happening until the final scene when all loose ends are tied up.

Action Code -
Any action that implies a further narrative action.

Semantic Code -
Connotation within the story that gives additional information more than the basic denotation.

Symbolic Code -
An array of semantic code; multiple symbols with their meanings standing for something larger.

Cultural Code-
Anything that cannot be challenged and is assumed to be the truth.

Lion King and Propp's Theory: 
1. The Villain: Scar
2. The Donor: Rafiki
3. The Helper: Timone and Pumba
4. The Princess: Nala
5. The Father: Sarabi
6. The Dispatcher: Scar
7.The Hero: Simba
8.The False Hero: Scar

Guardians of the Galaxy and Propp's Theory:
1. The Villain: Ronan and Nebula
2. The Donor: No donor as Infinity Stone was stolen
3. The Helper: Groot, Rocket, Gamora, Drax
4. The Princess: Gamora
5. The Father: The Nova Corps Organisation
6. The Dispatcher: Yondu
7. The Hero: Peter Quill (Starlord)
8. The False Hero: Yondu


The Villain: Ronan 

The Villain: Nebula

The Donor: The Infinity Stone (No Donor)

The Helper(s): Groot, Gamora, Drax, Rocket

The Princess: Gamora

The Father: The Nova Corps Organisation

The Dispatcher: Yondu

The Hero: Peter Quill/ Starlord

The False Hero: Yondu

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