Wednesday 30 December 2015

Approaches to Youth in Quadrophenia -

Theoretical Approaches to Representations of Youth - 

Coined the term hegemony which means the higher in status imparting their norms and values on those of lower status than them.

Studied youth subcultures and how subcultures resist hegemony through style.
Media representation of youths are either as fun or troublesome. 

Effects of media representation of delinquent youth.
Media representations of anti-social youth reinforces hegemony. 
Developed the concept of the ideology protection. 
Cultivation theory meaning the repetitive nature of media, specifically television, influences interpretation of people and the world. 

  • Rebellious
  • Artificial tribe
  • Sexual
  • Nihilistic (rejection of religious/ moral principles, life is meaningless)
  • Violent
  • Self-destructive 
Cohen and Wilkins:
Moral Panic is fear in the public over a specific subculture.
Media representations of youth reinforce hegemony.
Deviancy Amplification spiral leads to moral panic through media reporting. 
Folk Devils are interpreted as a threat to the norms and values of wider society.

1. Exaggeration and distortion: Numbers, damage caused, violence etc.
2. Predicition: Further conflict and violence is assumed.
3. Symbolisation: Symbols of the youth subcultures associated and labelled to violence.

Grebner comments on 'The Cultivation Theory' and states that the more time someone spends 'living' in the television world the more likely they are to be influenced and take as reality what they witness.

Representations of youth are empty, they only reflect adult concerns.
Media representations of youth is not equal to the reality of youth identity.

Discusses the 'Ideological State Apparatus'.
The dominant ideology within society is reinforced through different groups including the media.

Notes on 'Quadrophenia':

Pan shot on the motorbikes
Pan shot circling the attendants of the party

Quick cuts between scenes

Dialogue obscenities and vulgarisms such as "fuck off"

Drug dealing
Sexual behaviour between youths
Damage of property
Youth subcultures of Mods and Rockers
Self-destructive almost commits suicide

1 comment:

  1. good summary is posted here you will find this useful for revision.
