Tuesday 24 November 2015

Textual Analysis Mock Revision -

Mise en scene:
  • Rebellious teenager
  • Vulgarisms used by teenagers
  • Obsessive parents
  • Relationships between family (specifically teenagers and their parents)
  • Stereotypical teenagers
  • The mothers from both families were at home when the children were
  • Matriarchal family structure

  • Establishing shot of the posh house
  • Over the shoulder shot when mother and daughter discuss
  • Pan following the entrance of a character to the room
  • Zoom shot as the boy enters the house in the more working class family
  • Shot reverse shot between arguing mother and daughter
  • Zoom out as the daughter runs up the stairs away from her mother
  • Cut shot between the mother, father and daughter at the dinner table
  • Conforming to the line of the 180 degree rule when the mother and father are left at the dinner table

  • Dialogue between characters
  • Diegetic dialogue

  • Cut between shots
  • Cut between scenes

Overall Representation:
  • That the young people are rebellious
  • Teenagers are lazy
  • Teenagers rely on their parents funding
  • Teenagers have no respect
  • Young male from working class family has to get a job to help support his family
  • Young female from upper middle class family is being funded and can afford to go to university
  • Mother (especially upper middle class) strict, different morals, snobbish, vindictive 

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