Friday 6 November 2015

Shot Composition and Analysis -

Shot Composition –
  • Wide
  • Full body
  • Mid
  • Medium close up
  • Close up
  • Extreme close up
  • Dutch angle
  • Low angle
  • High angle
  • Pan
  • Cut in
  • Over the head
  • Tilt
  • Dolly zoom
  • Over the shoulder
  • Medium two shot

The 180 degree rule - 
  • People in the scene must remain on their original side
  • If the side is switched then the movement of the camera to the second position must be shown
  • The audience must be re orientated at the end of the scene as they are a secondary participant

Hotel Babylon Analysis –
  • Medium close up : 0.05 – Shows the facial expression of the character who is worried and thoughtful. 
  • Panning shot : 0.08 – Follows the character walking across until he finds two police officers which could imply how sudden the visit is. 
  • Medium two shot / over the shoulder : 0.10 – Emphasises the status and power relationship between the characters. The police officers have power over the hotel staff. 
  • Zoom in shot : 0.17 – This shot infers that the police / immigration officers are closing in on the hotel by zooming in. 
  • Over the shoulder / long shot : 0.24 – This shot emphasises the sudden closing of the immigration officers and that they are cornering the hotel, it also makes the scene more dramatic. 
  • Panning shot : 0.35 - This shot again exaggerates the closing in of he immigration officers onto the hotel staff. 
  • Over the shoulder : 0.39 - This shot imitates being cornered due to the placement of the camera; this helps to give the audience an idea of how the characters are feeling within the scene. 
  • Close up : 0.49 - This shot is a close up on the immigration officers face which allows the audience to see his suspicious facial expressions. 
  • Close up shot transition to a mid shot : 0.52 - This shot exemplifies the erratic nature of the scene. 
  • High angle shot : 1.09 - The boss is at her desk and usually this shot implies vulnerability or lack or power but in the specific context of the scene it goes against this inference. However, it could imply her lack of power in ensuring all members of staff are not taken by the immigration officers.
  • Quick panning shots : 1.10 - These shots also show how the scene is erratic and the characters are desperate to alert the staff of the immigration officers presence. 
  • Panning shot : 1.14 - The panning shot following one character shows her desperation to hide the staff from the immigration officers. 
  • Close up : 1.27 - This shot is a close up on the door handle which shows the shaking hands of the character and thus highlights the desperation prevalent within the scene. 
  • Extreme Close up : 1.42 - The shot shows the worried facial expressions of the hotel staff and adds to the chaotic and fearful atmosphere of the scene. 
  • Slow panning shot : 1.46 - This shot pans slowly around the faces of all the worried hotel staff to exaggerate the tense and sad atmosphere of the scene. 
  • High angle shot : 2.10 - This shot shows a diabetic staff worker collapsed on the floor and the high angle shot exaggerates the vulnerability of the character in the specific scene.
  • Extreme close up & narrow depth of field / pull focus shot : 2.50 - This close up allows the audience to feel helpless as the hotel worker is unaware of the impending immigration officers who are in focus in the shot behind him; the depth of field is used well here to evoke helplessness in the audience. The staff member in the foreground is in focus until the immigration officers appear behind and the depth of field and focus is then pulled onto the background. 
  • Extreme close up : 3.07 - This extreme close up again highlights the vulnerability of the character as they are unconscious and in a low position on the floor. 
  • Zoom in shot : 3.23 - This shot is used to show the fear on the characters face as the audience hears a knock on the door of the room which the staff are hiding in. This again arouses tension and fear in the audience through choice of shot. 
  • Zoom shot : 4.26 - This shot zooms in and focuses on the belongings of the taken staff member and evokes a strong sense of sadness in the audience who are attached to the characters. 
  • Panning shot : 5.01 - This panning shot scans over the canteen tables in which the staff are separated into their ethnic groups. This shot is used to show the feeling of loss felt by a community and evokes a sense of sadness in an audience. 

 Over the Shoulder / Long Shot : 0.24
Over the Shoulder : 0.37

 Over the Shoulder : 0.39
 Extreme Close Up : 1.42
 High Angle Shot : 2.10
Extreme Close Up / Narrow Depth of Field :  2.50 

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