Tuesday 17 November 2015

Captain Philips Analysis Narrative Theory -

Narrative Theory -

Protagonist - Tom Hanks as 'Captain Phillips'; the eponymous character.

Antagonist - The Somali pirates and their leader 'Abduwali Muse'.

Summation - Captain Philips is taken hostage by Somali pirates in an attempt to save his crew from a hijacking. The film reveals the distance between cultures and the limited options available to the Somalians. The film illicits an emotional and sympathetic response towards both the protagonist and the antagonists. The three pirates are assassinated, Muse (their leader) is captured and arrested and Captain Phillips is rescued which is the catharsis.

Protagonist Traits - 

  • Leadership skills
  • Strong in the face of adversity
  • Brave (volunteers to be taken hostage so that his crew are not involved)
  • Caring (saves his crew mates by volunteering to be taken hostage for ransom)
  • Places others before himself
Antagonist Traits -
  • Strong leader
  • Dominant
  • Driven to his lifestyle due to lack of options (civil war, corruption, unemployment)
  • Naive (believed it would be a simple hijacking without any casualties) 

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