Tuesday 15 March 2016

Audiences and Institutions (Technology) -

Technology - 

New Technologies Impacting UK and Hollywood:
  • Smart phones
  • DSLR Cameras
  • Camera Capabilities
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • C.G.I.
  • Animation
  • 3D Films
  • 4D Films
  • Drones
  • On Demand Video Streaming (Netflix)
  • High Frame Rate Film 48 fps rather than 24-30 fps) (fps= frames per second)
  • Larger Film Size (Imax 65mm rather than 35mm)
  • New Cinemas
  • CD
  • DVD
  • Technological Convergence: the tendency that as technology changes, different technological systems evolve toward performing similar tasks, it has many other functions more than its primary use. 
  • Technological Proliferation: Increase in hardware content available through the emergence of new and old media.
IMAX Affecting Production and Distribution:
  • Requires 65mm film = 18,000 lines of horizontal resolution
  • Compared to regular 35mm film = 6,000 lines of horizontal resolution
  • E.G: Interstellar (2014), Star Wars Force Awakens (2015) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  • 1061 IMAX theatres in 67 countries
  • UK has 30 IMAX theatres
Digital Technology Advancements:
  • Lower processing and equipment costs
  • Light weight
  • Easier editing process
  • Quality not as good as film
  • RED cameras shoot 4K and 6K good enough for cinemas
  • E.G. Ride Along 2, The Martian, Straight Outta Compton

Reasons for Decline (Secondary Screens):
  • Piracy
  • DVD and BLU-ray
  • Tablets
  • Streaming (Netflix)
Reasons for Decline (Piracy):
  • Unauthorised duplication of copyrighted content: sold on the 'grey' market
Theft or Fair Play:
  • Dependent on the process of duplication
  • Theft if you are making money from it
  • Fair play if it is only of personal use
Effects of Piracy:
  • 30% of UK population active in some form of piracy
  • Costs the UK audiovisual industries £500,000,000 a year
  • Cinemas losing £200,000,000 a year at the box office
  • Affects independents more than the big six

Piracy Effects on Independents:
  • Dependent on local distributors
  • If pre-sales aren't secured banks will not loan them money
  • Distributors are less willing to take risks with indie films due to piracy
Home Entertainment:
  • VHS
  • DVD (720x576 pixels)
  • BLU-ray (1920x1080 pixels)
Advantages of Technology Convergence:
  • Low production costs (Cheap Production)
  • Self market E.G. Youtube (Easier Distribution)
  • E.G. Tangerine ($100,000 budget, $800,000 profit)
Overcoming Piracy:
  • Same international release day
  • Phasing out use of CD's, DVD's and BLU-ray which can be copied
  • Infrared screen distortion on cinema screens to stop illegal recording
My Personal Media Consumption:

  • In cinemas I see about 3 films a year when major blockbuster films come out.
  • I mostly consume media via streaming and recorded/ on demand television.
  • I believe that piracy is not the worst of crimes that can be committed but I do agree that there are victims of piracy despite popular belief. I have, on a few occasions, watched pirated media but do not on a regular basis.
  • I have never been to an IMAX theatre.
  • I often only go to the cinema to see major blockbusters such as 'Jurassic World', 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and 'Deadpool'. I also then purchase the DVD's afterwards to own them forever.

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