Tuesday 15 March 2016

Audiences and Institutions (Technology) Essay and Plan

Essay - 

Hardware: Equipment
Content: Films
Media: Institutes diverging information to a mass audience
Area: Film

  • CGI
  • IMAX
  • Convergence of equipment (E.G. smartphones used by indie companies and more convenient streaming for audiences at home or on the move)
  • Streaming services
  • 3D/ 4D
  • Piracy
  • Decrease cinema viewing
  • Hollywood near collapse 2000 (Netflix streaming) 
Overcoming Piracy:
  • Same international release day
  • Phasing out use of CD's, DVD's and BLU-ray which can be copied
  • Infrared screen distortion on cinema screens to stop illegal recording

Audiences and Institutions (Technology) -

Technology - 

New Technologies Impacting UK and Hollywood:
  • Smart phones
  • DSLR Cameras
  • Camera Capabilities
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • C.G.I.
  • Animation
  • 3D Films
  • 4D Films
  • Drones
  • On Demand Video Streaming (Netflix)
  • High Frame Rate Film 48 fps rather than 24-30 fps) (fps= frames per second)
  • Larger Film Size (Imax 65mm rather than 35mm)
  • New Cinemas
  • CD
  • DVD
  • Technological Convergence: the tendency that as technology changes, different technological systems evolve toward performing similar tasks, it has many other functions more than its primary use. 
  • Technological Proliferation: Increase in hardware content available through the emergence of new and old media.
IMAX Affecting Production and Distribution:
  • Requires 65mm film = 18,000 lines of horizontal resolution
  • Compared to regular 35mm film = 6,000 lines of horizontal resolution
  • E.G: Interstellar (2014), Star Wars Force Awakens (2015) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  • 1061 IMAX theatres in 67 countries
  • UK has 30 IMAX theatres
Digital Technology Advancements:
  • Lower processing and equipment costs
  • Light weight
  • Easier editing process
  • Quality not as good as film
  • RED cameras shoot 4K and 6K good enough for cinemas
  • E.G. Ride Along 2, The Martian, Straight Outta Compton

Reasons for Decline (Secondary Screens):
  • Piracy
  • DVD and BLU-ray
  • Tablets
  • Streaming (Netflix)
Reasons for Decline (Piracy):
  • Unauthorised duplication of copyrighted content: sold on the 'grey' market
Theft or Fair Play:
  • Dependent on the process of duplication
  • Theft if you are making money from it
  • Fair play if it is only of personal use
Effects of Piracy:
  • 30% of UK population active in some form of piracy
  • Costs the UK audiovisual industries £500,000,000 a year
  • Cinemas losing £200,000,000 a year at the box office
  • Affects independents more than the big six

Piracy Effects on Independents:
  • Dependent on local distributors
  • If pre-sales aren't secured banks will not loan them money
  • Distributors are less willing to take risks with indie films due to piracy
Home Entertainment:
  • VHS
  • DVD (720x576 pixels)
  • BLU-ray (1920x1080 pixels)
Advantages of Technology Convergence:
  • Low production costs (Cheap Production)
  • Self market E.G. Youtube (Easier Distribution)
  • E.G. Tangerine ($100,000 budget, $800,000 profit)
Overcoming Piracy:
  • Same international release day
  • Phasing out use of CD's, DVD's and BLU-ray which can be copied
  • Infrared screen distortion on cinema screens to stop illegal recording
My Personal Media Consumption:

  • In cinemas I see about 3 films a year when major blockbuster films come out.
  • I mostly consume media via streaming and recorded/ on demand television.
  • I believe that piracy is not the worst of crimes that can be committed but I do agree that there are victims of piracy despite popular belief. I have, on a few occasions, watched pirated media but do not on a regular basis.
  • I have never been to an IMAX theatre.
  • I often only go to the cinema to see major blockbusters such as 'Jurassic World', 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and 'Deadpool'. I also then purchase the DVD's afterwards to own them forever.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Media Exam Question Global Institutions -

Media Exam Question - 
  • Media production is dominated by global institutions, which sell their services and products, to national audiences. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Media production is dominated by global institutions which sell their services and products to national audiences. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Firstly, within media production there have been many changes as the industry develops in a modern world. For example, in 1983 90% of the American media industry was distributed between 50 companies whereas this has changed recently, in 2011, to six large conglomerates owning 90% of the production and distribution industry that are known as ‘the big six’. These six large companies consist of: Universal, Disney, Paramount, Sony, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros Pictures. Between these six companies 90% of the industry is shared meaning that the choice for the consumer is severely limited as bourgeoisie owners of the media choose which productions to pass onto the mass audience which dramatically, even subconsciously, affects their everyday life. For instance, Disney recently purchased the Star Wars franchise from Lucas film ltd and produced Episode VII: The Force Awakens, alongside Bad Robot and Truenorth Productions, which had a £140,000,000 budget and made an estimated gross profit of £651,000,000. The expensive purchase of this particular franchise was a calculated move made by Disney as they were aware that the influence of their position as one of the big six meant that they already had an established mass audience. This audience are reliant on receiving media from these few conglomerates due to media domination and therefore would buy into the businesses productions most likely out of lack of choice, conformity and loyalty.

On the other hand, it can also be argued that there are still a variety of independent, indie, film producers which share the market with large global institutions. Whilst the big six dominate 90% of the media industry there is still 10% unaccounted for which is likely to be comprised of independent film companies. The big six are not responsible for every large blockbuster film that is sold to mass audiences despite many contradicting beliefs. For instance, The Imitation Game was produced by Black Bear Pictures and Bristol Automotive with a budget of £10,000,000 which resulted in an estimated gross profit of £63,000,000 and an Oscar win which Star Wars: The Force Awakens did not achieve. There are a variety of smaller indie film companies that produce large grossing films that reach mass audiences and together command a large segment of the media industry and therefore cannot be considered completely inferior to the big six conglomerates.

Although, there is more evidence to support the idea that global institutions dominate the media industry and the productions that are distributed to mass national audiences. Conglomerate media companies diversify through synergy thus dominating large percentages of society’s media by developing inventive ways to reach larger audiences by selling their services and products on a variety of social media platforms. For example, many of the big six media companies, in cohesion with specific media productions, and as part of their distribution services, diversify their media to a mass national audience through merchandise including video-games, clothing and even theme parks. A specific examples of this is the cross-media convergence of Lucasfilm ltd, who Disney purchased the rights to Star Wars from, working alongside EA Games to create Star Wars Battlefront. Star Wars Battlefront was a video-game targeted at a next-generation console gamer audience who shared the excitement over the new Star Wars film due to be released at a similar time; this particular cross-media convergence made over £460,000,000 in sales of 13,000,000 copies of the video-game which also helped to increase media hype over the film which was due to hit cinemas around the time of release of the game.

Therefore, there is evidence to suggest that independent film companies are still responsible for some of the material that reaches the mass national audiences but the media industry is largely controlled and dominated by the big six global institutions.

Media Questions and Research -

Research -
  • Research examples of synergies that Disney corporation has to help increase profits linked to their film production.
  • Disney on ice
  • Disney theme parks
  • Disney stores
Star Wars:
  • Battlefront (video game)
Questions - 

How are megafranchise movies defined?
A collection of various intellectual properties or a story that is used across multiple mediums.

Why did hollywood switch its focus to megafranchise movies?
There is more money that can be made by megafranchise movies as they apply to a larger target audience that are accessible on various platforms, cross promotion with other platforms ; for instance, films, video games, clothing.

How important are sequels to the hollywood film industry?
Sequels already have established target audiences and do not have as difficult a time building a fan base and therefore are more likely to make money rather than an individual/ stand alone film.

What is ancillary revenue?
Revenue that derives from good and or services other than a companies primary product. 

How important is ancillary revenue?
Ancillary revenue is responsible for a large portion of profits and widening the fan base associated with films.

How important are viedo-games to the film industry?
Video-games help to establish a wider target audience for films.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Vertical/ Horizontal Integration Examples -

Vertical - 

Guardians of the Galaxy: 
  • Producers: Marvel Studios
  • Distributors: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Horizontal - 

Jurassic World:
  • Producers: Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment
  • Distributors: Universal PIctures International (UK), Universal Studios Home Entertainment (USA)

Glossary Terms for Analysis of Two Films -

Glossary - 

Media Franchise: a collection of media in which several derivative works have been produced from an original work of media.

Synergy: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organisations, such as conglomerates, to produce a combined effect greater than their individual effects.

Conglomerate: a conglomerate is a large company composed of smaller companies engaged in business especially within the media industry.

Cross Media Convergence: when multiple media formats join together on a project or to be owned by one individual or company.

Horizontal Integrated Institue: is the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same part of the supply chain.

Vertical Integrated Institute: an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company. Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or service and the products combine to fulfil a function.

Marketing: the action or business of promoting and selling products or services including market research and advertising.

Production: the making of the media product.

Distribution: the way in which media is distributed to the masses.

Exhibition: the way we view; getting the film to a paying audience.

The Big Six: the six main media companies that dominate the media production industry. (Sony, 20th Century, Warner Bros, Paramount, Universal, Walt Disney)

Ancillary Revenue: revenue that derives from goods and or services other than a companies primary product.

Sequelisation: the process of making sequels from an original media text. 

Star Wars (Lucasfilm LTD/ Walt Disney) and Ill Manors (BBC Films) Comparison -

Star Wars: The Force Awakens -

Production: Lucasfilm, Bad Robot, Truenorth productions

Distribution: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (UK), Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (USA), Starz! (USA TV), Walt Disney Home Studios Entertainment (USA DVD)

Exhibition: Toronto International Film Festival

Budget: 200 Million USD

Revenue/ Box Office Returns: 6 Billion USD

Genre: Sci-fi

Target Audience: Young adults, Star Wars fans, BBFC 12

Independent/ Conglomerate: Conglomerate

Vertical/ Horizontal Integration: Horizontal

Ill Manors - 

Production: BBC Films , Film London Microwave, Aimimage, Plan B

Distribution: Revolver Entertainment

Exhibition: Toronto International Film Festival, Festival do Rio

Budget: 100 Thousand GBP (140 Thousand GBP)

Revenue/ Box Office Returns: 715 Thousand GBP (1 Million USD)

Genre: Crime, Drama

Target Audience: 15-25 despite the BBFC rating of 18+

Independent/ Conglomerate: Independent

Vertical/ Horizontal Integration: Vertical

Advantages for The Big Six - 

  • Can take risks when making films
  • Wont need to collaborate to receive funding
  • Can be more ambitious: celebrities, effects, locations
  • Size and power in the industry: more money and established links
  • Ue synergy to cross promote: video-games, music, toys

Case Study -

Investors: Ill Manors contact bank, Disney contact head of conglomerate.

Potential Risks: Level of audience, level of funding, will it become profitable, is it marketable.

Trailer: 17,000 tweets per minute when #TheForceAwakens trailer came out on ESPN, a Disney owned channel.

Success: It connected with the existing fan base, use of social networking e.g. trailers, caste to promote the film, Disney's vertically integrated structure enabling trailers to be released on ESPN at Superbowl, cross-marketing. 

Teaser Trailer: November 28th 2014
Teaser Trailer Two: April 16th 2015
Comic-Con: July 10th 2015
Official Trailer: 19th October 2015
Star Wars Battlefront: 8th December 2015
Film Release: 18th December 2015
Trailer: 130 million views in one weekend of the final trailer release

Facts: 69% of young adults watch trailers before deciding to watch a film.

Annie Leibovitz photographed Star Wars for Vanity Faire promotion.

Ancilliary Products: Disney Infinity 3.0 and Battlefront estimated to make $1.28 billion.

Star Wars also had a range of makeup with Mac cosmetics.

Target Audience: 15% of the audience was between the age of 13 and 17, tickets purchased most by males aged 18-49 with an average of 34.

Box Office: $7.3 (billion)
Home Entertainment Sales: $5.749 (billion)
Toys and Merchandise: $17 (billion)
Video Games: $4.280 (Billion)
Intellectual Property: $4 (billion)
Miscellaneous: $3.65 (billion)
Total: $41.979 (billion)

Disney bought out Lucasfilm ltd for $4.05 billion. 

BBC Films Ill Manors Research -

Ill Manors - 

The film represents the lives of various characters living in a working/ underclass area focusing on their search for respect, their violent lifestyle and their struggle to survive. This includes: drug dealing, prostitution and violence.

Director: Plan B

Production: BBC Films , Film London Microwave, Aimimage, Plan B

Distribution: Revolver Entertainment

Exhibition: Toronto International Film Festival, Festival do Rio

Budget: 100 Thousand GBP (140 Thousand GBP)

Revenue/ Box Office Returns: 715 Thousand GBP (1 Million USD)

Genre: Crime, Drama

Target Audience: 15-25 despite the BBFC rating of 18+

Independent/ Conglomerate: Independent

Vertical/ Horizontal Integration: Vertical

Involved Parties: 
  • Ill Manors

  • Plan B
  • BBC Films

Marketing - 
  • Plan B released the album prior to the film to generate publicity.
  • The eight central characters could all relate to individual rap songs from Plan B.
Ancillary Markets:
  • DVD, Blu-ray, download and on-demand 08-10-1012.
  • DVD had never before seen footage so audience would buy it even after seeing it for the extras.
Promotion/ Distribution:
  • Soundtrack named "Ill Manors" which went to number 1 in the official UK album charts when released in July 2012.
  • It was crucial for publicity and success of the film.
  • Posters on the tube in London: 8 posters were created.
  • The hashtag on social media: Facebook page with 31,616 likes, Twitter posts with #tweet-to-unlock to get the promotion shared amongst the people of social media. 
  • Released in US at the Sundance Film Festival and shown at the Greater Manchester Film Festival.
  • Star Wars did not do this due to being a product of the big six corporation Disney who were advertising on their distributor TV channels. 
  • Toronto Film Festival 2012.
  • Festival do Rio 2012.
  • Premier in London on 30-05-2012 at Leicester Square; certain urban music celebrities were invited to boost publicity such as Tinie Tempah, Example and Alesha Dixon.
  • Empire Magazine promoted the film.

Distribution to Cinemas:
  • Widely released by "Revolver" who are known for urban gritty films such as "Kidulthood".
  • Initial release in 191 cinemas provided £250,000 during the first weekend.
  • In week 2 the cinemas showing it fell to 83; this was a reduction of around 65%. 

Walt Disney Corporation Research -

Walt Disney Coporation Initial Research - 

Founded: 16-10-1923
Founders: Walt Disney, Roy O. Disney
Revenue: 52.46 billion USD (2015)


  • Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • Pixar Animation Studios
  • Marvel Studios
  • Lucasfilm LTD
  • ESPN Sports 

  • ABC Television

  • Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

  • Disney Channel