Tuesday 13 October 2015

TV Period Drama Analysis Mise en Scene 'Downton Abbey' -

Downton Abbey - 

Mise en Scene 1 :

  • Set - 1912 England on the day the Titanic sunk
  • Location - Servants quarters
  • Actors - Famous actor Jim Carter  
  • Costume - Period, formal, maid and butler wear (Head butler in suit due to being in the presence of an opulent family)
  • Lighting - Dark to show it is in the servants quarters (lack of wealth)
  • Props - The iron used to iron the newspaper, the newspaper, the service bells (used to call servants to the aristocracy house owners)
  • Other - The meagre portions of porridge for breakfast

Mise en Scene 2 :
  • Set - 1912 England on the day the Titanic sunk
  • Location - The dining room, upstairs of the main house
  • Actors - Famous actor Hugh Bonneville 
  • Costume - Elaborate expensive fabrics and outfits, period
  • Lighting - Brighter as it is in the main house (shows wealth and opulence) 
  • Props - Telegram bringing the news of the death of friends
  • Hair and Makeup - 1920s finger waves
  • Other - The excessive banquet for breakfast

Class and Status :
  • "I understand most of the ladies were taken off in time…"
    "You mean the ladies in first class. God help the poor devils below decks… they're on their way to a better life"
  • The quote shows how the bourgeoise were treated with special privileges over the proletariat. Additionally, the above quote featured in the episode is an example of the perception held by the upper and middle classes about the working class.

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