Friday 9 October 2015

Textual Analysis -

Code - A system of signs which can be decoded to create meaning.
Codes can instil emotions in the audience through the use of effects and techniques.

Technical Codes - The way it is constructed eg. Camera angles, framing, typography.
Verbal Codes - Written or spoken language.
Symbolic Codes - Codes that can be decoded on a connotational level influenced by socialisation, culture, gender, ethnicity, experiences, social group etc.

Convention - What the audience expects to see in a certain genre. Eg. Horror = blood, murder, villains, zombies etc.

Deconstruction -
Medium / Format (print, TV, radio, film, Internet)
Purpose (inform, entertain, persuade, educate, gain profit)
Form (drama, light entertainment, newspaper)
Genre (science fiction, soap opera, documentary, game show, broadsheet)
Tone (serious, comic, ironic, formal, informal, objective, personal, scientific)
Style (realist, expressionist, conventional, unconventional, traditional, modern)
Other (nationality, target audience, director, stars / actors, public sector)

Visual - What can be seen.
Aural - What can be heard.

Stereotypes -
Informative - Provide context and educating an audience.
Exploitative - Twist the stereotype for a different perspective.
(There can be both positive and negative representations of stereotypes within the media)

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