Tuesday 13 October 2015

TV Period Drama Analysis Mise en Scene 'Wolf Hall' -

Wolf Hall -

Mise en Scene :
  • Period costume 
  • Quill and ink
  • Dark wood furniture
  • Elaborate head-dress
  • Scroll / parchment
  • Writing on paper
  • Embroidery on furniture
  • Excessive jewellery
  • Small glass pane windows (typical of the period)
  • Tudor style facial hair
  • Writing desk 
  • Both fair skinned (nobles were referred blue bloods) 
  • Colour scheme of clothes (no access to various coloured dyes, especially bright colours)
  • Noble costume and set
  • Body contact infers a close relationship
  • The male taking the lead with an inferior helping female
  • Location appears very typically English
  • Lighting infers serious, tense mood
  • Elaborate gold box shows wealth
  • Famous actors : Damien Lewis and Claire Foy

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