Tuesday 6 October 2015

Analysis of TV Drama Eastenders -

Eastenders Analysis - 


  • Medium - Television Drama
  • Primary Purpose of Programme - To entertain
  • Primary Purpose of Scene - To inform
  • Tone - Informal, Comic, Personal, Serious
  • Style - Conventional, realist
  • Nationality - Jamaican, British, East London
  • Themes - Racism


  • Age - Negative towards teenagers (surprised when teenager shows interest in historical subject)
  • Race/ Ethnicity - Jamaican stereotypes


  • Verbal - Joking tone
  • Non-verbal - Body language suggests a feeling of being trapped within an unjust society, reminiscent of the feelings of being trapped by racial discrimination

Overview of Narrative: 
  • The scene is taken from the TV Drama 'Eastenders' which fits into the genre of a Soap. The Jamaican character 'Patrick' reminisces about his past when he first arrived in Britain and was greeted by 'KBW' an abbreviation for 'Keep Britain White'. 

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