Tuesday 5 January 2016

Roland Barthes Narrative Theory and Criminal Programme Analysis -

Barthes Narrative Theory:

Semiology - study of signs

Open or Closed story
Open = Lots of ways to unravel
Closed = Only one way to unravel

1. Enigma Code
2. Action Code
3. Semantic Code
4. Symbolic Code
5. Referential / Cultural Code

Enigma Code -
The audience do not fully know what is happening until the final scene when all loose ends are tied up.

Action Code -
Any action that implies a further narrative action.

Semantic Code -
Connotation within the story that gives additional information more than the basic denotation.

Symbolic Code -
An array of semantic code; multiple symbols with their meanings standing for something larger.

Cultural Code-
Anything that cannot be challenged and is assumed to be the truth.

Luther Analysis: 

Pan shot round the character Luther standing on the edge of a building
Over the head tilt
Extreme close-up on Luther's face
Close-up on the food being scanned at the checkout could foreshadow the eating of the organs of the murder victims
Over the shoulder shot whilst the female sits with the murderer in the background
Long shot as the police officer Theo heads towards the fridge which he believes to be containing the head and hands of a murder victim but instead it explodes

Creepy doll in the corner of the house with the alone female
The pigeon which the female thought to be an intruder died suddenly (foreshadowing)

The scream as the female is stabbed and presumably murdered by the intruder
The music suddenly gets loud as the assumed murderer stands sinisterly
The music as Luther walks into the pub is loud and then suddenly stops and begins again
The edited creepy nursery rhyme music to create tensions and fear in the audience

Quick cuts between scenes

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