Tuesday 26 January 2016

Regional Identity Stereotypes -

Northerners -  (Shameless)
  • Fondness for gravy
  • Enjoy chips and gravy
  • More adapted to the cold weather
  • Prefer more rural areas
  • Typically members of the working and middle class
Southerners - (T.O.W.I.E.)
  • Poor, common, criminals, working class
  • Glamorous but cheap
  • Essex people are orange
  • Essex teenage pregnancy
  • Essex underage drinking
  • Essex drugs
  • Essex everyone is fake (plastic surgery)
  • Essex people are dumb
  • Obsessed with beer and football
Southerners - (Made in Chelsea)
  • Rich
  • Posh
  • Snobby
  • Upper class
  • Classy
  • Modern
  • Centre of culture
  • More associated with being upper class (closer to the capital)
  • More expensive tastes
English -
  • Drink a lot of tea
  • Everyone speaks a posh tea accent
  • Fish and chips
  • Afternoon tea
  • Polite
  • We like queuing
  • Complain about the weather
  • Racist
Irish -
  • Pale
  • Ginger
  • Heavy drinkers
  • Love potatoes
  • Swear
  • Gossip
  • Loud
  • Confrontational
  • Dancing and singing
  • Friendly
  • Religious (Catholic and Protestant)
Scots -
  • Angry people
  • Hate the english
  • Bagpipes
  • Kilts
  • Patriotic
  • Red haired
  • Highland games
  • Don't like the british
Devon/ Somerset - 
  • Countryside
  • Live on farms
  • Considered mentally slower than those in the south
  • Close community (wary of outsiders)
  • Outspoken
Yorkshire -
  • Love tea
  • Live in rural the countryside
  • Dull
  • Cobbled streets
  • Rolling hills
Liverpool/ Manchester/ Newcastle - (Brookside)
  • Women wear rollers outside 
  • Over drawn eyebrows
  • Mostly working class
  • Placing "our" in front of names
  • Tracksuits
  • Like a fight
  • Fake designer labels
  • Aggressive
  • Drink a lot
  • Uneducated
  • Chavs

Welsh -
  • Living in the countryside
  • "Sheep shagging"
  • All farmers
  • Love rugby
T.P.E.E -
  • Terminology
  • Point
  • Evidence
  • Explanation

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